Earth Development Alliance Technology, Blueprint and Programs List 2017, waiting to release.
2017-12-24【强制利润法案】Compulsory profit act。
2017-11-27【光干涉空气质量检测仪】Optical interference air quality detector。
2017-11-5【光场探测技术】Light field detection technology。
2017-11-5【颜色区分区域导航方案】Color distinguish regional navigation scheme。
2017-10-19【空间矩阵雷达】Space matrix radar。这是基于矩阵效应理论所衍生的技术项目。空间矩阵雷达,用于探测多维空间的各种波动与变化,探测的目标类型取决于所采用的传感器类型。通过《绝对零空间》,与《高精度同步通信技术》,可以实现对多维空间各种信号的精确定位。矩阵雷达分布区域越大,精度越高。This is based on the 《matrix effect theory》 derived from the technical project. Space matrix radar, used to detect a variety of multi-dimensional space fluctuations and changes, the detection of the target type depends on the type of sensor used. Through the “absolute zero space”, and “high-precision synchronous communication technology”, can achieve a variety of multi-dimensional space signal accurate positioning. The larger the area of the matrix radar, the higher the accuracy.
2017-9-12【地球公民资产配额计划】Earth Citizens’ Asset Quota Act。不同于地球公民资产限制法案,这个方案是用于划定配额,从而限制任何人所能拥有的资源和权力,进而解决长期以来政治家族、隐秘势力、寡头统治等问题。并且十分有效。Unlike the Earth Citizens’ Asset Restriction Act. This program is used to delimit quotas, thereby limiting the resources and power that anyone can have, and to solve the long-standing political family, secret forces, oligarchy and other issues. And very effective.
2017-9-7【引力子束技术、引力子激光】Gravitational beam technique, gravitational laser。非常基本的场操控技术,基于波干涉产生作用力或反作用力,从而实现牵引或推动其他物体。该技术将优先用于太空垃圾的清理工作。Very basic field manipulation techniques, based on wave interference to produce forces or reaction forces, in order to achieve traction or to promote other objects. The technology will give priority to the clean-up of space trash.
2017-8-3【城市行政执法准则】Code of Urban Administrative Law Enforcement。针对中国的城管、行政执法、综合执法等城市管理执法人员乱象,而制定的一套指导、管理性的体系标准。将能够解决中国几十年来城市管理执法人员的乱象,并且提升人民满意度,行政执法效率与口碑。For China’s urban management, administrative law enforcement, comprehensive law enforcement and other urban management law enforcement officers chaos, and the development of a set of guidance, management system standards. Will be able to solve China’s decades of urban management law enforcement officers chaos, and enhance people’s satisfaction, administrative law enforcement efficiency and reputation.
2017-6-30【楞瓦式道路与交通照明系统】Lenwa Road and Traffic Lighting System。这是一种针对传统城市道路与交通照明系统的改进,确保加强了对光的控制,提升城市夜间交通效率,夜间交通安全性,与视觉体验。This is an improvement against traditional urban roads and traffic lighting systems, ensuring enhanced light control, enhancing urban nighttime traffic efficiency, night traffic safety, and visual experience.
2017-6-28【地球发展联盟:水黾级,巨型远洋运输舰,原型】Earth Development Alliance:Water strider class, Giant ocean-going transport ship, prototype.
2017-6-4【分布式公共交通资源管理网络】Distributed public transport resource management network。整合公共与共享交通资源管理。Integration of public and shared traffic resource management.
2017-4-29【沙漠地区修复计划】Desert zone repair plan.系统性的沙漠地区修复计划。每月至少修复数百平方公里的沙漠面积,每年可修复数万平方公里的沙漠区域。本计划需要地球发展联盟全球运输网络支持,并且也还需要地球发展联盟的其他子系统支持。
2017-5-7【社会评级制度】Social rating system。对地区或国家社会环境评级。主要用于优化社会体系制度和发展策略,良好提升文明与社会发展环境。Rating of regional or national social environment. Mainly used to optimize the social system and development strategies, and enhance the civilized and social development environment.
2017-4-14【等效实验环境】Equivalent experimental environment。这是一种新的实验方法策略,需要先进材料学、微型加工工艺、能量成像技术等支持。可以实现一定空间环境内,进行无限种可能性的测试与实验,无论是宏观还是微观层面。对科学技术领域研究与突破很有帮助。This is a new experimental method of strategy, the need for advanced materials science, micro-processing technology, energy imaging technology support. Can achieve a certain space environment, the possibility of unlimited possibilities of testing and experimentation, both macro and micro level. On the field of science and technology research and breakthrough is very helpful.
2017-4-12【虫洞仓库】Wormhole warehouse。无论是通过量子传送,空间扭曲,或虫洞跳跃技术。这个项目的目标是实现,有效利用宇宙空间,在宇宙空间中任意一个位置,建设一个巨大的仓库,通过物质传送技术,来进行远程存储。Either through quantum transport, space twist, or wormhole jumping techniques. The goal of this project is to achieve the effective use of space, in any position in the universe, the construction of a huge warehouse, through the material transmission technology, to remote storage.
2017-4-12【对流发电技术】Convection power generation technology。几乎完美近似于自由能源和无限能源的一种技术方案,利用流体力学实现的一种能源技术。Almost perfect approximation of free energy and infinite energy of a technical solution, the use of fluid mechanics to achieve an energy technology.
2017-3-23【复合交通网络】Composite traffic network。终极的交通网络规划方案,它不仅仅是系统性规划与结构性设计,同时使用了智慧的分层、分流、线路与道路规划方案,确保行人、非机动车、私家车、公共交通,它们各自的通行线路与方案。最重要的,它随时可以改进和再规划。适用于大城市与特大城市的超高人口与交通流量。该方案至少可以为特大城市提升300%的交通效率,与200%的工作与生活效率。The ultimate transport network planning program, it is not only a systematic planning and structural design, while using the wisdom of the stratification, diversion, line and road planning programs to ensure pedestrians, non-motor vehicles, private cars, public transport, their respective Of the lines and programs. Most importantly, it can be improved and re-planned at any time. Suitable for large cities and mega-city of high population and traffic flow. The program can at least 300% increase in traffic efficiency for megacities, with 200% work and life efficiency.
2017-2-28【静滞场技术】Stagnant field technology。一种场操控技术,用于实现场域范围内的运动与变化减速。A field manipulation technique for the movement and change in the range of the deceleration field.
2017-2-24【行政承诺书、附条件行政策略】Administrative commitment、Conditional administrative strategy。这是一种非常创新性的行政体系管理策略,以公平竞争与责任制度为核心的政治体系理念,给予人民更多选择权,完美保障社会与公众满意度。同时可以实现零腐败的政治体系,并且完善政治体系循环与制衡。是迈向高效率发展的文明必不可少的重要环节。可以保障任何国家或种族维持高速发展与紧密团结的状态。This is a very innovative management system management strategy to fair competition and responsibility system as the core of the political system concept, to give people more choice, the perfect protection of social and public satisfaction. At the same time can achieve zero corruption of the political system, and improve the political system cycle and checks and balances. Is an important part of the civilization that is moving towards efficient development. Can protect any country or race to maintain high-speed development and close unity of the state.
2017-2-19【预渲染加载技术】Pre-render loading technology。这是改变传统万维网和网页传输方式的技术,新的技术将以服务器预渲染内容,并传输给客户机。主要用于提高安全性和使用体验。可以扩展提高互动使用体验,以及各种附加应用方案。This is a technology that changes the way traditional web pages and web pages are transmitted. The new technology will pre-render content to the server and transmit it to the client. Mainly used to improve security and experience. Can be extended to enhance the interactive experience, as well as a variety of additional applications.
2017-2-19【政治体系福利计划】Political system welfare plan。
Will be based on the level, class, level, the political system and the government structure of different levels of welfare arrangements. Mainly used to avoid corruption, clear salary standards, and promote the integrity of the political system. This Act should not be implemented separately, requiring multiple subsystems to collaborate with each other.
2017-2-5【稳态场相位探测技术】Phase Detection Technique in Steady – State。
先进的空间测量、检测与探测技术,可以探测被检测空间内所有能量的变化,包括原子、电子、电磁波、光子、量子态变化等等。Advanced space measurement, detection and detection technology can detect all the energy changes in the detected space, including atoms, electrons, electromagnetic waves, photons, quantum state changes and so on.
2017-1-31【流水线处理模式】Pipeline Processing Mode。旨在提高一些社会结构与服务行业的效率,各司其职。Aimed at improving the efficiency of some social structures and service industries.
2017-1-31【区域对流循环空气净化系统】Regional convection circulation air purification system。
2017-1-26【微波取暖与制热技术】Microwave Heating Technology。对微波技术的应用,主要用于取暖、制热等方面。The application of microwave technology, mainly for heating and so on.
2017-1-20【蜂群社会体系发展方案】swarm social system development program。蜂群社会结构是一种高效率,高紧密度的社会体系。根据蜂群社会的启发,制定一套适用于人类文明发展建设的结构体系。适用于追求高效率、团结协作、群体平等的文明发展。该类社会结构需要严格的核心制定。The social structure of swarm is a kind of social system with high efficiency and high compactness. According to the bee community’s inspiration, to develop a set of human civilization development and construction of the structural system. Applicable to the pursuit of high efficiency, unity and cooperation, the equal group of civilized development. Such a social structure requires strict core formulation.
2017-1-16【统一保障售后法案】Unified protection after-sale Bill。本法案将确定:任何消费类产品,其售后将根据该产品的特征码进行计算。并且凡是该产品的代理商与销售商,都有责任为其提供售后。The Act will determine: any consumer products, the sale will be based on the product’s signature calculation. And any product of the agents and vendors, are responsible for providing after-sales.
2017-1-1【微型化制造工艺】Miniaturized manufacturing process。与硕大笨重的设备相比,小巧而精髓的设备更具有优势,更节约材料资源。微型化制造工艺则是深入研究和制定微型化加工工艺与规范。Compact and miniaturization of the equipment more advantages, more saving material resources. Miniaturized manufacturing process is in-depth research and development of micro-processing technology and norms.