分享长期禁欲的经历经验及身心灵层面的体验收获和感受 意识与灵性
Sharing the experience of long-term abstinence and the experience gains and feelings at the physical...
Earth Development Alliance
Sharing the experience of long-term abstinence and the experience gains and feelings at the physical...
The time of public contact with aliens will be advanced from 2025 to 2023, combining three sources o...
前两天与一位圈子朋友谈到关于帮助人们意识和心灵发展与提升的问题,其中我简要谈到了明年的计划,主要是如何在信息方面帮助传播对人们身心灵发展有帮助的内容: 首先确实很有意思,许多可能的方向早已在冥冥之中曾...
Extraordinary and mediocre only depend on the correctness of consciousness and the clarity of though...