intel 6761P and 6747P, Granite Rapids SP 6700P series LGA4710 XEON 6th P-cores Processor showcase and benchmark.
intel 6761P and 6747P Granite Rapids SP 6700P LGA4710 XEON 6th P-cores Processor showcase, Quality v...
Earth Development Alliance
intel 6761P and 6747P Granite Rapids SP 6700P LGA4710 XEON 6th P-cores Processor showcase, Quality v...
均参考并摘取自NVIDIA官网。只比较非D的规格,D规格我发现AI性能大幅被砍,因此不列入比较范围。毕竟咱们可是誓死不做Doge的! RTX5090 RTX4090 变化 制程工艺 4纳...