Talking about virtual currency and sharing my first consumption with blockchain technology Ethereum ...
Earth Development Alliance
Talking about virtual currency and sharing my first consumption with blockchain technology Ethereum ...
Through my spiritual growth, I truly realized that life is part of ‘God’ and ‘One’. 最近一段时间我的心灵与意识世界有...
Based on a new starting point in 2020, my plan and outlook for the next business development in the ...
A new starting point for my career and development space in 2020 许多人可能还不知道我在做什么事业,我所从事的工作是服务器、计算机、互联...
Personal Annual Summary 2019–Kaixin 2019年过的真快,相信很多人都跟我一样,感觉时间加速了一样。当我思考为什么有这样的感觉的时候,我意识到其实是我没有...
Causes of Global Warming: Quilt and Stove Effect in the Atmospheric System. 最近几年,地球的气候开始变得越来越极端。全球气温...
How to love and respect others? 此前,我无意中道出了这样一句话:当你把自己看的太重,你就会轻视身边的一切。当你轻视自己,你就会发现身边的一切都十分重要。 上面这句话,我...
Summer roof temperature under thermal imaging, as well as roof insulation testing, with water evapor...
早在很早以前我就一直在重复使用超市购物袋,算了一下,大概已经有半年多时间了。 在我还没有养成重复使用超市购物袋这个习惯之前,以前我经常去超市购物,基本上日积月累下来家里就会有一大堆的超市购物袋,结果就...